Curry-Spiced Mixed Nuts - Another great 365 crock pot recipe

Curry-Spiced Mixed Nuts - Another great 365 crock pot recipe

The blend of sweet and savory flavors is delicious. 24 servings (about 1/4 cup each)
6 cups mixed nuts
4 tablespoons margarine or butter, melted
2 tablespoons sugar
11/2 teaspoons curry powder
1 teaspoon each: garlic powder, ground cinnamon
Per Serving:
Calories: 230
% of calories from fat: 86
Fat (gm): 23.4
Saturated fat (gm): 2.4
Cholesterol (mg): 0.0
Sodium (mg): 44
Protein (gm): 3
Carbohydrate (gm): 6.0
Milk: 0.0
Vegetable: 0.0
Fruit: 0.0
Bread: 0.0
Meat: 0.0
Fat: 5.0

1. Heat slow cooker on high 15 minutes; add nuts. Drizzle margarine over nuts and toss; sprinkle with combined remaining ingredients and toss. Cover and cook on low 2 hours, stirring every 20 minutes. Turn heat to high; uncover and cook 30 minutes, stirring after 15 minutes. Turn heat to low to keep warm for serving or remove from slow cooker and cool.